
Frequently Asked Questions



Where do you ship from?

-Our primary warehouse is in Vermont, but we have access to many other partner locations for shipping and we may occasionally ship direct from the OEM suppliers.


How can I check the order status? 

-Please login to your account to check orders from your email:

Check Order Status


What shipping method do you use?

-Most of our orders are shipped via USPS. Depending on weight and location we may use UPS or another carrier if needed.


How long does it take for my order to arrive?

-Most orders will arrive within 3-5 business days for deliveries in the continental us. Please feel free to reference our shipping map as seen here: Shipping


Can I pick an item up in store?

-Yes we do have an in store pickup option available when the order is placed. Please find our store business hours here


-If I bought an item at your store locally is there a restocking fee?

When an item is bought new and then opened and/or used the value of the unit is no longer "brand new" and as such the next buyer will likely request an "open box" value so because of this we charge a restocking fee of 10%. If the item shows signs of use then we reserve the right to charge more accordingly. We wish we didn't have to do this, so please buy accordingly. 


Why was my refund slightly less than what I paid?

-Due to payment processors, such as Stripe, PayPal, Clover keeping the processing fee on refunds the refunded amount may be minus the processing fee. Please note that the payment processors are the ones who set this and control this. We are unable to refund more than the amount of the net processed on a sale. Read more about this here